Ferrata Ivano Dibona

by ElHefe

Everybody start ferrata from rifugio G. Lorenzi and going downhill, but we started at middle station rifugio Sonforca and were going uphill 😉

And we lost two hours exploring heath woods and finding shortcut 😉

Croda Rossa

Path follows a magnificent and airy line along ledges used during the First World War

There are many military constructions ruins on the way

Cristallino D’Ampezzo

Rifugio G. Lorenzi and Tre Cime on the left back

Suspension bridge

We run out of time again to climb ferrata Marino Bianchi to Cristallo di Mezzo. Maybe next time we should do like anyone else and go first to Cristallo di Mezzo and then back down via ferrata Dibona

Rifugio Sonforca


Sašo September 22, 2011 - 4:05 pm

Uff, odlično. Te koče, ki propadajo v hribih me navdušujejo (15.+16.). Si bral zadnji Planinski vestnik? 😀

admin September 22, 2011 - 7:27 pm

po hribih okrog kortine je en kup podrtih koč, pa votlin, tunelov, mulatjer….ni de ni
nisem ga še bral, a je kaj zanimivega? sem pa bral tole…groza 😉

Sašo September 23, 2011 - 7:52 am

Ena super objava o zapuščeni koči pod vrhom Triglava.
Pogledal link. Groza! Če bo to res…bo kmalu tudi pri nas kaj podobnega. :-/


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